Most businesses have a variety of goals when it comes to their blog, whether it’s generating more traffic, nurturing their leads, or establishing their brand authority. A successful blog can certainly do all of these things and more; however, don’t limit yourself to your own blog. Writing for another blog outside of your website can directly influence the success of your blog — as well as your overall content marketing strategy.
The Benefits of Writing Guest Blog Posts
Writing guest posts for other websites can be incredibly beneficial to your online marketing efforts. The following are five reasons why you should write guest blog posts:
1. Increase your brand exposure
When you write content for another blog, you’re expanding your brand’s reach. Since the content is on a different website, you’re exposing your business to an entirely new group of people who would have never been exposed to your brand otherwise. Because you’re writing for a blog relevant to your industry, a significant portion of this new audience will likely be made up out of high-quality leads.
2. Generate more traffic to your blog
First of all, you’ll be able to link back to your blog from your guest post, which will help drive web traffic to your site. Additionally, you may earn more backlinks if other websites use the blog you’re writing for as a resource for their own content. By discovering your website through your guest blog, they may even begin using your content as a regular resource, resulting in even more backlinks. The more backlinks you earn, the more traffic you’ll generate. Not to mention, Google uses high-quality backlinks as a ranking signal, which means you can improve your blog’s search rankings and generate more organic traffic as a result.
3. Establish yourself as a thought leader
Writing guest blog content allows you to establish yourself as an authority and thought leader. The more high-quality content you write and the more websites you work with, the more people will recognize your business and see your brand as a leader in its industry. That’s because content marketing is all about building trust with your audience, so if you continue to deliver high-quality content for blogs in your industry, you’ll be able to boost the amount of trust and influence your audience already has in you.
4. Boost your social media marketing efforts
First of all, you can link to your guest blog so that your regular audience can read it and share it on their social media. Secondly, the audience of the blog you’re writing for may share it to social media, thereby boosting your exposure on various social channels. This can help grow your social media following. Any new traffic you generate to your own website can result in more social shares if they stumble onto content that they like. Finally, the website that you’re writing for will likely promote your guest post on all of their social channels, which will increase your exposure significantly.
5. Develop relationships with other brand authorities
One of the most underrated advantages of writing guest blog posts for other websites is that you’ll be able to connect with other brand authorities in your industry. Doing so means that you’ll be able to build a relationship with another popular brand, which can turn into a valuable networking opportunity. You may even land a partnership with the blog that you’re writing for in the future.
Improve Your Content Marketing Through Guest Blogging
Taking the time to write content for another blog may seem counterintuitive, especially when considering how valuable your time is. However, writing guest blog posts can be hugely beneficial and can directly influence the success of your own blog. As such, it’s well worth the time to seek out guest blogging opportunities.