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How Many Pillar Pages Should Your Website Have for SEO?

How Many Pillar Pages Should Your Website Have for SEO - blog post image

An effective content architecture is key to optimizing your website for search engine optimization (SEO). And when it comes to content architecture, pillar pages play a crucial role. But here’s the burning question: how many pillar pages should your website have? Are a few enough, or do you need a vast number to succeed in the ever-competitive digital landscape?

How many pillar pages should you have? The optimal number of pillar pages depends on your website’s size and content breadth, but generally aim for 3-5 covering your main topics. Smaller websites might need just 1 or 2, while larger ones can benefit from several. But don’t overthink it. Start by creating one at a time.

But let’s go into more detail and insights to help you make an informed decision about your website’s pillar page strategy.

Understanding Pillar Pages

Before diving into the specifics of how many pillar pages your website should have, it’s crucial to understand what a pillar page is. A pillar page is a comprehensive, in-depth piece of content that serves as the cornerstone of a topic or theme on your website. It covers all the essential aspects of the topic and provides a solid foundation for more detailed subtopics, typically covered in cluster or subtopic blog posts. Also known as the hub and spoke SEO, where the pillar pages are the hubs and blog posts are the pokes. A well-structured pillar page is crucial for organizing your website’s content and establishing your authority on a particular subject.

To illustrate the concept further, let’s consider an example:

Imagine you have a website about fitness. One of your pillar pages could be a comprehensive guide to strength training. This pillar page will cover all the fundamental concepts, exercises, and techniques related to strength training. It would provide a thorough overview of the topic, acting as your website’s main hub for information on strength training. Subsequently, you could create cluster or subtopic blog posts that delve deeper into specific strength training areas, such as exercises for specific muscle groups, recovery tips, or training programs.

By structuring your content this way, with a pillar page as the main hub and supporting cluster or subtopic posts linking to it, you create a logical hierarchy within your website’s content architecture. This helps search engines index and understand your content better and provides a better user experience for visitors to your website.

To summarize, pillar pages are crucial to a website’s content strategy. They serve as comprehensive guides or resources that extensively cover a topic and form the foundation for more specific subtopics or cluster blog posts. By utilizing pillar pages effectively, you can create a well-structured website with a strong content architecture that enhances your SEO efforts and establishes your authority in your chosen subject areas.

Pillar Page StructureBenefits
Comprehensive, in-depth contentEstablishes authority
Cornerstone of a topic or themeEnhances SEO efforts
Serves as a hub for related cluster or subtopic postsImproves user navigation

The Benefits of Pillar Pages

Pillar pages offer numerous benefits for your website and SEO efforts. Firstly, they provide a clear and organized structure to your content, making it easier for users and search engines to navigate and understand your website. By organizing your content into pillar pages, you create a logical hierarchy that guides visitors through your site, allowing them to find the information they need easily. This improved user experience leads to increased engagement and reduced bounce rates.

Additionally, pillar pages help to establish your website’s authority in a specific area by covering a topic comprehensively. Creating a comprehensive pillar page demonstrates your expertise and knowledge on the subject, building trust and credibility with your audience. This can lead to improved search engine rankings, as search engines recognize the depth and quality of your content.

In addition to establishing authority, pillar pages also facilitate better internal linking. When you create pillar pages, you can strategically link to related subtopics and cluster posts within your website. This interconnection helps search engines understand the relationship between your content, improving overall SEO. It also provides users additional resources and information, encouraging them to explore your site further.

In summary, pillar pages offer the following benefits:

  • Clear and organized content structure for improved navigation
  • Establishment of authority and credibility in a specific area
  • Improved search engine rankings and increased organic traffic
  • Better internal linking for stronger content interconnection

Optimal Number of Pillar Pages

Now that we understand the importance and benefits of pillar pages, let’s exploIn the world of SEO, pillar page optimization plays a crucial role in improving your website’s visibility and ranking. As the name suggests, a pillar page is a central pillar covering your main topics or themes. These pillar pages should encompass the broadest aspects of your subject matter. To better understand this, look at some examples of effective pillar pages.

Regarding pillar page SEO, the optimal number of pillar pages largely depends on the scope and depth of your website’s content. One or two pillar pages might suffice for smaller websites with fewer topics. This allows you to concentrate all the relevant information and link it to related subpages, creating a well-organized structure.

However, having multiple pillar pages is advisable for larger websites with a wide range of topics. By dividing your content into distinct themes, you can create a logical structure that guides search engines and users through your website. Each pillar page should be optimized for a keyword or phrase and interlinked with related subpages to create interconnected content.

In conclusion, your website’s optimal number of pillar pages depends on its size, content breadth, and overall SEO goals. While smaller websites may benefit from a few pillar pages, larger websites with diverse content will require multiple pages for effective organization and improved SEO performance. By strategically optimizing and interlinking these pillar pages with relevant subpages, you can create a powerful content framework that search engines love, and users find easy to navigate.

re the optimal number of pillar pages your website should have. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as it largely depends on the nature and size of your website. However, as a general guideline, aim to have at least 3-5 pillar pages covering your main topics or themes. These pillar pages should encompass the broadest aspects of your subject matter. To better understand this, look at some examples of effective pillar pages.

Effective Pillar Page Examples

When creating pillar pages for your website, it’s important to understand how they can effectively enhance your content architecture and improve your SEO. Effective pillar pages often comprise comprehensive guides, ultimate resources, or definitive overviews. These pages cover a particular topic’s essential aspects, providing a strong foundation for more detailed subtopics or cluster posts that delve deeper into specific techniques or tactics.

For example, if you have a website about digital marketing, one of your pillar pages could be a complete guide to SEO. This pillar page would cover everything from keyword research to on-page optimization and link-building strategies. Another pillar page could focus on social media marketing strategies, discussing content creation, community management, and ad targeting.

Creating these pillar pages establishes a powerful content architecture that enhances the user experience and improves SEO. Users can easily find comprehensive information on a specific topic, while search engines recognize your website as a valuable resource in your industry. This can lead to higher search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and a stronger online presence.

Comparison of Effective Pillar Page Examples

Pillar PageTopicContent Coverage
Complete Guide to SEODigital MarketingKeyword research, on-page optimization, link building, SEO tools
Social Media Marketing StrategiesDigital MarketingContent creation, community management, ad targeting, analytics

The table above shows that the pillar pages offer comprehensive coverage of their respective topics within the broader digital marketing domain. These pillar pages are the foundation for further exploration of related subtopics and cluster posts. By adopting a pillar content strategy, you can create a well-structured website that attracts and engages your target audience while signaling to search engines that your website is an authoritative source of information.

Optimizing Your Pillar Pages

Once you have identified and created the optimal number of pillar pages, optimizing them for maximum SEO impact is important. To ensure your pillar pages are effective, follow these key optimization strategies:

  1. Clear and concise headings: Use headings to structure your pillar pages and make it easy for readers to navigate the content. Incorporate relevant keywords in your headings to improve SEO.
  2. Subheadings: Break up your pillar pages with subheadings to organize the content further. Subheadings make it easier for readers to skim the page and improve SEO by providing additional keyword-rich content.
  3. Metadata: Craft accurate and descriptive meta titles and meta descriptions for your pillar pages. These snippets appear in search engine results and can greatly impact click-through rates.
  4. Keyword incorporation: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your pillar pages. This helps search engines understand the content and improves SEO. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it can harm your rankings.
  5. Internal linking: Utilize internal linking to connect your pillar pages with related cluster or subtopic posts. This creates a strong content hierarchy, improves user experience, and boosts SEO.
  6. Regular updates: Regularly update and expand your pillar pages to ensure they remain comprehensive and up-to-date. This shows search engines that your content is fresh and relevant, improving your SEO performance.

By implementing these optimization strategies, you can enhance the visibility and impact of your pillar pages, driving more organic traffic to your website.

Optimization StrategyDescriptionBenefits
Clear and concise headingsUse headings to structure your pillar pagesImproves readability and SEO
SubheadingsBreak up your pillar pages with subheadingsEnhances readability and SEO
Meta dataCraft accurate and descriptive meta titles and descriptionsImproves search engine visibility
Keyword incorporationIncorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your contentBoosts SEO and keyword rankings
Internal linkingConnect pillar pages with related cluster or subtopic postsStrengthens content hierarchy and improves UX
Regular updatesUpdate and expand pillar pages to keep them currentSignals freshness to search engines and improves SEO

Establishing a Strong Content Architecture

In addition to optimizing individual pillar pages, it’s crucial to establish a strong content architecture that effectively organizes and interconnects your pillar pages and cluster posts. This architecture should guide users and search engines through your website, ensuring easy navigation and comprehensive coverage of topics.

Consider using a hub-and-spoke model to structure your content. In this model, your pillar pages are hubs covering broad topics, while your cluster posts serve as spokes that delve deeper into specific subtopics. This approach creates a network of interconnected content, enhancing the user experience, encouraging longer page visits, and boosting SEO performance.

Organizing your content this way provides a clear and logical structure for search engines and users to follow. This helps search engines understand the hierarchy and relevance of your content, improving your website’s discoverability and ranking. Additionally, it makes it easier for users to navigate your site and find the information they’re looking for, increasing engagement and reducing bounce rates.

An effective content architecture also facilitates internal linking, allowing you to connect related pillar pages, cluster posts, and supporting content. This interlinking strengthens the overall structure of your website and helps search engines recognize the relationships between different pieces of content. It also encourages visitors to explore more of your content, increasing the likelihood of conversions and creating a seamless user experience.

Remember your content’s relevancy and logical flow when organizing your pillar pages and cluster posts. Each pillar page should cover a specific topic comprehensively, while cluster posts should provide more specific information and support the pillars. This targeted organization ensures that your content is efficient and easy to navigate and maximizes the impact of your SEO efforts.

Overall, establishing a strong content architecture is essential for the success of your pillar page strategy. It improves the user experience, boosts SEO performance, and helps search engines understand and index your content effectively. You can create a comprehensive and authoritative website that resonates with search engines and users by implementing a coherent structure that connects your pillar pages and cluster posts.


In conclusion, the number of pillar pages your website should have depends on various factors, such as size, niche, and content goals. Aim for at least 3-5 pillar pages that cover your main topics comprehensively. These pillar pages provide a solid foundation for your website’s content architecture and establish your authority in your chosen subject areas.

By optimizing your pillar pages and creating a strong content hierarchy, you can enhance your website’s SEO performance and attract more organic traffic. Successful SEO is a continuous process, so regularly update and expand your pillar pages to maintain relevance and effectiveness.

Related FAQs

What is a pillar page?

A pillar page is a comprehensive, in-depth piece of content that serves as the cornerstone of a topic or theme on your website. It covers all the essential aspects of the topic and provides a solid foundation for more detailed subtopics, typically covered in cluster or subtopic blog posts.

What are the benefits of pillar pages?

Pillar pages offer several benefits for your website and SEO efforts. They provide a clear and organized structure to your content, making it easier for users and search engines to navigate and understand your website. Pillar pages also help establish your website’s authority in a specific area, leading to improved search engine rankings and increased organic traffic. Pillar pages facilitate better internal linking and interconnection between related subtopics and cluster posts.

What is the optimal number of pillar pages for SEO?

The optimal number of pillar pages for SEO success largely depends on the nature and size of your website. However, as a general guideline, aim for at least 3-5 pillar pages covering your main topics or themes.

What are some examples of effective pillar pages?

Effective pillar pages often comprise comprehensive guides, ultimate resources, or definitive overviews. For example, if you have a website about digital marketing, one of your pillar pages could be a complete guide to SEO. Another pillar page could focus on social media marketing strategies. These pages cover all the essential aspects of the respective topics, providing a strong foundation for more detailed subtopics or cluster posts.

How long should a pill page be?

While there’s no magic word count, pillar pages typically range from 3,000 to 10,000 words. The ideal length depends on your topic’s complexity, target audience, and competitor landscape. Prioritize thoroughness and reader engagement over strict word count. Break up content with clear headings, subheadings, and visuals for readability. Remember, quality and value matter most!

How can I optimize my pillar pages for SEO?

To optimize your pillar pages for maximum SEO impact, ensure they have clear and concise headings, subheadings, and metadata that accurately describe the content. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout the page, but avoid keyword stuffing. Utilize internal linking to connect pillar pages with related cluster or subtopic posts, creating a strong content hierarchy. It’s also important to regularly update and expand your pillar pages to ensure they remain comprehensive and up-to-date.

How should I establish a strong content architecture with pillar pages?

Consider using a hub-and-spoke model to establish a strong content architecture with pillar pages. The pillar pages act as hubs, covering the broadest aspects of your subject matter, while the cluster posts act as spokes, delving deeper into specific subtopics. This approach enhances the user experience, encourages longer page visits, and boosts SEO performance. The architecture should guide users and search engines through your website, ensuring easy navigation and comprehensive coverage of topics.